What to Put Under Tires when Storing Car

Tire care isn’t just about regular maintenance; it extends to proper storage, a pivotal aspect often overlooked. Ensuring your tires are well-preserved during periods of non-use is crucial to maintaining their quality and extending their lifespan.

In this article, we’ll shine a light on the criticality of storing tires correctly, emphasizing the impact it has on their longevity. Beyond the conventional methods, we’ll explore the necessity of employing suitable materials under tires during storage to shield them from potential damage. Join us as we unravel the secrets to preserving tire integrity, ensuring they’re road-ready whenever you’re ready to roll.

What to put under tires when storing car
Credit: astonmartinworks.com

Suitable Surfaces for Tire Storage

Concrete Surface

Storing tires directly on concrete can lead to issues:

  1. Flat Spotting: Prolonged contact with concrete can cause flat spotting, especially in colder temperatures or when tires bear weight for extended periods.
  2. Moisture Absorption: Concrete can draw moisture, potentially leading to accelerated rubber degradation or corrosion of steel belts within the tires.

Wooden Boards

Elevating tires on wooden boards or pallets offers advantages:

  1. Protection from Contact: Wooden boards prevent direct contact with the ground, reducing the risk of flat spotting or moisture absorption.
  2. Air Circulation: Elevating tires allows air to circulate beneath them, aiding in moisture evaporation and preserving tire integrity.

Tire Storage Accessories

Tire Storage Accessories
Credit: garagecabinets.com

Tire Bags/Covers

Using tire bags or covers provides multiple benefits:

  1. Protection from Elements: Shield tires from dust, UV rays, and moisture, preserving rubber integrity and preventing premature aging.
  2. Cleanliness: Keep tires clean during storage, reducing the need for extensive cleaning before installation.

Tire Racks or Stands

Tire racks or stands offer practical advantages:

  1. Organization: Store tires neatly and efficiently, saving space and facilitating easy access when needed.
  2. Proper Air Circulation: Elevating tires on racks allows air circulation, minimizing moisture retention and aiding in tire preservation.

Utilizing suitable surfaces and accessories for tire storage significantly impacts tire longevity and performance. Elevating tires off concrete, using covers to shield from elements, and organizing with racks or stands all contribute to preserving tire integrity during storage, ensuring they’re in optimal condition when it’s time for use.

DIY Alternatives and Tips

Using Cardboard

Utilizing cardboard offers a makeshift barrier:

  1. Rubber Protection: Placing cardboard beneath tires helps create a buffer against direct contact with surfaces, preventing potential flat spotting and moisture absorption.
  2. Limited Effectiveness: While better than direct contact, cardboard might not offer as much protection as elevated wooden boards or specialized storage accessories.

Rotation and Inspection

Regular checks and rotations are crucial:

  1. Even Wear: Rotate tires periodically to prevent flat spotting and ensure even weight distribution.
  2. Damage Inspection: Regularly inspect tires for any signs of damage, cracks, or uneven wear, addressing issues promptly to maintain tire health.

Precautions and Best Practices

Cleaning and Drying

Clean and dry tires before storage to prevent issues:

  1. Mold Prevention: Removing dirt and moisture minimizes the risk of mold or mildew growth during storage.
  2. Preserving Integrity: Clean tires also allow for easier inspection and help maintain their integrity while in storage.

Ideal Storage Conditions

Optimal conditions ensure tire longevity:

  1. Cool and Dry Environment: Store tires in a cool, dry area to prevent rubber degradation or moisture-related damage.
  2. Avoid Sunlight Exposure: Keep tires away from direct sunlight, as UV rays can accelerate rubber aging and cause damage.

Adhering to these DIY tips, precautions, and best practices significantly extends tire life during storage. While cardboard offers some protection, rotating tires, inspecting for damage, cleaning and drying, and storing in optimal conditions play pivotal roles in preserving tire quality for longer periods.


Can I Store Tires on Cardboard to Protect Them?

While using cardboard as a barrier between tires and the storage surface can offer some protection against flat spotting and moisture absorption, it might not be as effective as elevated wooden boards or specialized storage accessories.

For optimal tire preservation, it’s advisable to elevate tires off the ground using boards or pallets to prevent direct contact with surfaces and promote proper air circulation.

How Often Should I Rotate Tires During Storage?

Rotating tires every few months (around every 3-6 months) during storage is beneficial to prevent flat spotting and ensure even weight distribution. This rotation helps mitigate the risk of tires developing permanent flat spots due to prolonged storage in one position.

Additionally, inspecting tires regularly for signs of damage, wear, or unevenness is crucial to address any issues promptly.

Is it Necessary to Clean Tires Before Storing Them?

Cleaning and thoroughly drying tires before storage is highly recommended. Removing dirt, debris, and moisture helps prevent mold or mildew growth, preserving tire integrity during storage.

Additionally, clean tires facilitate easier inspections and enable you to identify any potential damage or wear before storing them, ensuring they remain in good condition throughout the storage period.

Wrap Up

In the realm of tire care, thoughtful storage practices are vital for prolonging tire life and maintaining performance. Elevating tires off concrete, using covers, and rotating them periodically are proactive measures. DIY solutions like cardboard barriers offer some protection, yet specialized storage accessories and adherence to best practices yield optimal results.

Cleaning, inspecting for damage, and storing in ideal conditions ensure tires emerge from storage in top form, ready to hit the road with longevity and reliability intact.


Introducing Ariyan, the certified engineering marvel and car connoisseur. With an unwavering love for automobiles, Ariyan brings his technical expertise and keen eye for detail to our esteemed blog. As a certified engineer, he delves into the intricate mechanics of vehicles, providing insightful analysis and reviews. With a deep-rooted passion for cars.

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